Welcome to the first event that Terra will be holding! As it's new years, I figured that now would be as good as ever to throw an event in, and what better event than writing one? That's right, that's right! But first, allow me to tell you what the writing theme will be about.



It will center itself around aliens. Now, there isn't any restriction as to what it should technically be about in your plot, there isn't a mandatory setting, genre, or anything like that. It can be anything you want, so long as it's about aliens. 


Allow me to be even more succinct here so there isn't any sort of confusion left:

Your story is to focus on the theme about aliens but it doesn't necessarily need to be fully about it, so long as the CENTER of your story ends up aligning with aliens in the end. There can be human characters who have deep and cohesive backstories, fleshed out scenarios and extensively descriptive world building, so bear in mind that you don't need to constantly remind yourself that it's about aliens SO LONG as it's visibly clear to some degree (you can, and if you want, should be subtle about this) that it's about aliens mainly.



Here are a few key principals that will be established for this event so make sure to read them as they are crucial:

  • There is no limit to how many words you can write your story. There is, however, a minimum of 3k words. 

  • The stories must be filled in docs and can't be posted in comments.

  • Even if your grammar is bad, I believe you should still try it and write. I believe that there will be users who wouldn't mind proof-reading your story and would be delighted to help, in which case, this is the ONLY exception in which you can edit your story; in the case of proofreading.

  • Only one post will be allowed. This competition will last a month, so please be patient and don't try to write everything in one day, even if you are mighty impatient like me. There will be days when you will be out of ideas and days when you will be full of them. My advice: Write your story and when you feel like you've hit a wall, take a break. Search for new ideas or simply re-read your story. Maybe ask for advice from the users if you feel like you can't think of anything.

  • Criticism is allowed to be given by users via replies and here is how it should proceed: It's entirely your choice to criticize and if you feel like you have nothing to say, then you can simply not say it. You can also choose to upvote a certain story that you believe is best and that alone is also acceptable. However, if you want to give verbal insight, then here are some ideas on how: 

- Provide proof-reading.

- Talk about whether or not the pacing is alright; if it needs to be altered or something among those lines.

- If the characters are lacking substance, then say so, albeit do provide on how they can gain such substance by throwing a few examples.

- In the case that you think that the world-building isn't fleshed out enough or at all, mention so, as world-building can be very critical to a reader's enjoyment.

- Remember to not be rude about your criticism, try to structure your advice in a way that won't come out as rude, or at least give a disclaimer, in the case that it's a part of your personality and you can't help it.

- Rate the story fairly and if you can (you are not forced to but it would be extremely educated to do so) elaborate on why it deserves such a rating.

- Lastly, don't be afraid to criticize. The ultimate judges will be everyone in a community, so there is no need to be overly stressed about making a critique. I am sure that whoever wrote the story would be pleased to know that at least they received enough attention for a critique, so please do that.


  • The competition will range an entire month. It will go from January 13th all the way to February 13th. 

  • Only on February 13th, will the competition end, and only then, will the results be collected.

  • There will be no judges, unlike what was previously told; instead the entire community will be able to judge each story via votes.

  • The voting will be done in a pool on the last day. During February 13th, I will personally create a voting pool with every participant and through that, everyone will be able to vote.

Disclaimer: I wanted to form this through an upvote system, but I believe that it can work the same way. If you upvote a story, you should provide the same voting as in the pool, that's what I will do anyways (I will remove my own upvote from every story during the last day and then apply my final vote so don't mind my upvote in the comments, it's just out of courtesy.)



Here are some ground rules to keep things balanced:

  • Don't plagiarize; trust that I will know and other people will too. Be innovative; you don't necessarily need to be creative but at least make an effort.
  • Gore and sexual themes are FINE as long as they don't cross the border of being utterly explicit and downright grotesque. 
  • There is no necessary order for your story, it is completely up to you.
  • English only; no other languages ​​will be accepted.
  • Submit your story via docs. It can google docs, grammarly docs, you name it. As long as there is a document within your comment and not an entire wall of text, you are good to go.
  • Any stories submitted after February 12th WILL NOT COUNT .
  • Stories that do not revolve around the theme will be disqualified.
  • Don't be that clown who posts the same story from another user, I will ban you.




  • 1st place (The person who has accumulated the most votes in the voting pool by the end of February 13th): 50$
  • 2nd place: $30
  • 3rd place: 20$


I will say one last thing:

Have fun and enjoy crafting your masterpiece. Don't rush it, take your delicate time to forge it and only when you truly feel comfortable, SHOULD YOU POST IT. This is not a race. Yes, there is a time limit, but it's a DAMN MONTH. You don't gain anything besides some attention by posting your story first. Be patient, review your story, question every choice, and only then, give us the tea.



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