Huh, you somehow ended up in here, would you look at that? Well then, read the rules below and come and chat with us! If I tagged you, it means you're special, hehe.

Let's start with the basic rules:


Rule number 1:   You are to upvote every comment and if this is your first time in the chatroom, recommend it by hitting that heart button!

Rule number 2:   Under no circumstances can NSFW or gore or anything that remotely connects to those lines, be posted in the main chat.

Rule number 3:   We have no tolerance for misogyny, bullying, discrimination, or any negative impending behavior of any kind.

Rule number 4:   Regardless of your beliefs (so long as they are not toxic and represent a bad symbol for the chatroom), ethnicity, past, nationality, and religion, you are welcome here.   We don't judge you and you are to not be a target of any hatred here.

Rule number 5:   Don't spam.   If you post more than four main comments (replies don't count) in under a minute, you will receive a warning and if you don't comply, a ban.

Rule number 6:   No political conversations to an extensive degree or with consistency. It's fine to mention it once or twice but if it becomes a pattern then we will take action. 

Rule number 7: This is a fun only area, no dramas, remember that. We are aiming to create a positive atmosphere, not a negative one. 

Rule number 8:   HAVE FUN!   Don't be a silly goose who wants to ruin anyone's parade and instead, join in on the fun!   If you're not happy, then what's the point, right?

Additional rule: (Credit to Spades!)

No need to absolutely follow this one, hence why it's called "additional rule". However, we are in need for active users so if private accounts could be unprivated once a week , it'll help a lot. It's a win-win for everyone because we get a lot more cool people to talk to!

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