It's not often that I will say this, but I do believe in a good suck. A good suck is better done when no one else expects it, but more important when the time calls for it, and would you look at that? It's February 2nd! And what happens today, you might ask? Well, you were linked here through the featured comment which is about her birthday so of course you already know what it is.

Before we go any further I feel the need to dispel your worries Rosa, because you have been dying with anxiety over the last few hours and it was all for nothing.  Please, relax, it's your goddamn birthday!  What do you think I'm going to do exactly?  You silly little midget, just breathe.

Here is a small recap on how we met!

Rosa and I met during Terra Panacea's second chatroom and you wanna know the craziest thing?  She told me to kill myself in a jokingly manner because she thought I was another user.  I was somewhat bewildered at the time because even though it was clearly as a joke, I had to process that someone was actually fine with telling others that.  It goes without saying that she eventually realized I was completely someone else, and what did she do?

Apologize? NO. 

She kept being rude over and over and so, I had to retaliate in a way that would make her physically disgusted or at least minimally mentally quaked.  She likes posting her birds a lot.  Or rather, she used to like it, I do not know why she does not anymore.  It's kinda strange now that I think about it.  Why did she stop it?  Well, I think I know why.  Back then, I used to JOKINGLY, but very much JOKINGLY, post horny comments about her birds.

Of course, everyone knew this was a joke and I think Rosa too did, but at some point, I realized that she takes some things way too damn seriously!  So she thought I was lusting for her birds when I was NOT.  I was the butt of the joke for months to come but whatever, I resisted. 

After that, though we did talk, she got herself involved into a stupid drama and was actually banned for a few days lmaoooooooo.  But by then, we were already talking frequently with each other so it didn't really matter, but I thought it was back then that I started to notice that Rosa was perhaps a decent user.  It didn't click to me through all the "KYS" and "FUCK OFF" type of comments she would vomit every second without failure, but there was a visible glimpse of someone who, behind all her insane speech pattern, is actually someone very caring and nurturing. Probably.

However, it would be somewhere in December last year, where the previous chatroom in which we were in, Terra Panacea, had a fall out.  Essentially, without going into too many details, the two owners were beyond dysfunctional and were single-handedly the most inoperable online lesbian couple in existence and this is putting it mildly, because every goddamn mod from back then knows how hellish it was to wake up with +100 Discord notifications to that every day drama.

However, I did tell Rosa about the fact that I wanted to create a new chatroom in which the two owners could co-exist and fix their relationship (they obviously didn't agree nor see the benefits) and she also saw validation in the entirety idea, so she agreed and helped me out.  In other words, you see, without her help from her, this entire chatroom would never have gotten its initial momentum going because, believe it or not, Rosa here is quite social and has a wide social network.  Why is this the case?  Well, she's an adorable loving creature and she's annoying too, which makes up for a very interesting combination.

But regardless, this chatroom was able to take a leap and it was all going great for a week or two. Then, as you might or might not know, I was defamed due to a few unfortunate circumstances and lost a lot of users thanks to that. Honestly, I fucking thought the chatroom was doomed forever and that I wouldn't be able to get it back up, and I was even somewhat expecting Rosa to leave in the process, but I had no idea that Rosa here was a special case.

As I said in the beginning, a good suck is done on occasion and not consistently.  It helps the entire process gain more substance, so this is why I will say all of this here and now, without any shame whatsoever.

Rosa, I owe it all to you.  You are, hands down, the real drive behind this chatroom.  No, not me, trust me, I think of myself as someone who can put endless hours of work onto something and never give up, but while that is true, there is a limit to how much I can achieve on my own, that's why your combined efforts with me have managed to get us this far.  All the tagging, the conversations through dead hours, the user integration, your very random conversation topics which manage to accelerate the activity, how much you are patient even though I made some very QUESTIONABLE decisions to say the least, and how much you interact with everyone.

You're also a great right hand to me and the fact that you're always bringing up issues that I could've missed is something that I don't praise you enough for because you always act fucking disgusted when I thank you for it , the fuck is WRONG with you?!  As a matter of fact, just hear me out, if I'm praising you WHICH IS A RARE FEAT IN ITSELF (I rarely genuinely praise other people, I'm somewhat hard to please) THEN YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO TAKE IT WITH KINDNESS AND SAY "THANK YOU." 

Stupid dumb Rosa sometimes just can't take a hint but that's what makes her such a friendly person;  how open she is and the fact that she will be stubborn to a fucking fault which in lead makes you think that---yes, even though you are talking to someone who refuses to listen to clear logic and minimal reasoning, this person is a genuine loving person.

Of course, behind all of this she's just a crybaby IRL lmaoooooooo.  Though, even to this day, she remains the most loyal person I've met on Disqus, I think and she that's saying a lot.  It might just be from my perspective, but I believe that if you have Rosa by your side, then you can really feel at ease because she's that fucking caring. So I'll say it again, without you, I really couldn't have done any of this, so thank you for all your work thus far, you're the best mod, hands down ( all of you are shhh)  so pat yourself on the back for this one, shortie. 

Now I can just imagine the embarrassing dying face you're making while reading this, but please calm down, because it doesn't end here.  I thought of asking several people if they could give you their own birthday wishes and with the consent, I would post it here, but it didn't feel right with me. 

While it would be warm and very generous, that would not be the whole point of this.  The point of this room is so you have a constant reminder that you are not a bad person even if you have crazy impulses at times and despite your melodramatic tendencies, I want you to know that there are people, such as myself, who are willing to tolerate you through all of that.  You might think some of this is exaggerated, but it's really not. 

Furthermore, it goes without saying that I want everyone to Rosa in this specific day and if you, for some fucking reason, feel like it's time to bully her today, then you will suffer.  Because, only I do the bullying, not you.  Know your goddamn place, creature. 


This doesn't feel right with me.  Something's lacking.  These... These words?  Insufficient.  They're just a bunch of blabber. An occupation;  a delay for the main advent... It just doesn't... Feel enough.  Rosa deserves so much more.  I don't believe I have any more decent words to offer otherwise it will be viewed as a confession or something like that.

I also don't believe it's fair for me to know the side of Rosa who is insane;  I think that if everyone knew that side that of Rosa that they could know her on a more personal scale.  It's not as if there aren't people who know that side of her, but for fuck's sake, it's just not fair.  So, as my one and only gift to you, Rosa, I am here to give you the best birthday gift ever while simultaneously allowing other people to get to know you better because you're AMAZING !

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please be aware that what you are about to witness is Rosa in her most primal form, so if you are expecting something light and completely normal, back the fuck away right now.  Close the DAMN TAB, this is NOT FOR YOU.  However, if you are strong-minded and want to get to know Rosa better, then by all means, just make sure to wish her a happy birthday at the end of everything!

Oh what? Are you still here? 
Go wish her a happy birthday, creature and show that you care.

Once again, happy birthday Rosa, you mean a lot, not just to me but to all of us.


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