Greetings people, this is your lord and savior Cloud and I am here to bless you with something interesting and frankly, quite amusing.

Have you ever wanted to mark the beginning of something new? The chance to exact the conversion of your own desire which in turn will be mortified for ages to come? Then look no further, because you, can actually make a difference here.

I should explain why the necessity of changing the chatroom's name in the first place, so here is some explanation. If you want to skip this, skip the next two paragraphs.

This chatroom is the product of the outcome of Terra Panacea's afterburst in which the two owners could not understand each other whatsoever and were having more hate sex than actually contributing to the chatroom itself, so we came to the logical conclusion that a fresh new start would solve the issue since it was on the condition that the two drama addicts would be on even ground. 

However, Robin never came, Popsy stayed for a bit, however, until I had to outright ban him, of course. This chatroom is called Terra because it was supposed to be the union for these two people, but as you can see, none of them are around, so it makes no GODDAMN sense for this chatroom to be called Terra. I actually find the name pretty cool unlike most but the problem is the disgusting association the name brings, which is something that has to be eradicated for the greater good; it's time to cut the link.

Which is why, we are running a naming event. Let me explain how it works and how YOU can actually make a change and even have the opportunity to get your name to be the winner, which in return will be the newest name.


  • This event will last one week, starts on March 7th and ends on March 14th. In case there is a draw, a two day face off between the entries will be held until there is an outcome.

  • A user is allowed to post TWO comment entries only. The comment entries will contain your desired name for the chatroom. You must specifically type: "Chatroom Name: (Insert the name here)" 

  • The most upvoted comment entry will win the event.

  • Alts will not be allowed to either make comment entries or upvote. The moment I lurk through the upvotes and see an alt, I will discredit that upvote. Likewise, banned users' upvotes are invalid.

  • You are not allowed to edit your comment entry. If it's edited, it will be deleted. This, of course, resets your comment entry allowance.

  •  Self-upvoting is allowed. Downvotes are not, if you don't like the name, then don't vote it. BE SELECTIVE. As a matter of fact, do NOT upvote out of kindness, vote only what you REALLY like as a name, the upvoting rule DOES NOT apply to this event. Trust me, I'll be selective with mine, so be aware.

  • The moment a comment entry exceeds 30 upvotes, that comment entry will win the event and the event will end.

  • If your comment entry gets ten upvotes, you will receive a bonus +1 upvote. Additionally, if your comment entry gets twenty upvotes, you will receive +2 upvotes.

  • Mod upvotes count as two, however, they can only vote once. 

  • The winner of the event gets to use a picture of their choice for the chatroom.

  • Comments that are not comment entry names will be deleted.

  • Lastly, the comment entry can't contain any slurs, it will be immediately deleted. 

I don't want to make this too extra so I'll stop with the rules because I think that this is really simple and that simplicity is best. And no, there are no rewards except the victory here. 



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